The method of caring for plants is important with maintain busch gardens to try so that the plants can develop properly. There are many steps that must be taken to maintain ornamental plants and hydroponic plants.
Farmers measure the power of hydrogen of mustard greens water grown using a hydroponic system, Cultivation of plants with a hydroponic system is an alternative for farmers with small land with a relatively shorter planting to harvest period at a selling price greater than that of conventional cropping systems.
Nowadays many people are starting to find out about good and correct ways to care for busch gardens plants. The reason is the cultivation of plants at home. Usually they grow flowers or vegetables in pots or some use a hydroponic system.
Methods of Maintaining Ornamental Plants
Plant treatment is attempted after the planting process ends. This session is very meaningful to try, because if the method of caring for plants is not correct it can cause the plants to die.
Ornamental plant care is usually not difficult. Quoting from the novel “Agribusiness Ornamental Plant Cultivation Technology”, the following is a good and correct method of caring for ornamental plants.
The first way to maintain ornamental plants is to do watering. Water provides an important position for plant growth. The function of water is to build the body, to dissolve nutrients, to help photosynthesis, and to neutralize the temperature of the plant body.
Watering is tried according to the needs of the plants and adjusted to the seriousness of the rain. The amount of water given must also be adjusted to the age of the plant, soil conditions, tillage, and local weather conditions.
Watering methods can use simple procedures or use modern equipment. But make sure all the water can seep into the ground and hit the base of the plant. Because lack of water will cause the plants to wilt.
But if the busch gardens is watered too much it can also cause the base to rot. So make sure the amount of water given must match your needs.
Stitching is the activity of replanting dead plants. When you experience a plant that has died, immediately replant it. This is intended so that embroidery plants are no different from plants that have been planted before. So that the development of all plants becomes uniform.
The way to keep plants so that they grow productively is to do weeding. This activity aims to eliminate weeds or other plants whose presence is not desirable.
Weeding is attempted at least 2 to 3 times, but the seriousness of the weeding can be adjusted according to the conditions in which the plants grow. Weed control can be attempted mechanically, chemically, biologically, or in combination.
The next treatment session is fertilization. This activity aims to provide the nutrients needed by plants. The fertilizer given is usually divided into 2, namely bottom fertilizer and follow-up fertilizer.
The bottom fertilizers that are generally used are manure or compost. On the other hand, follow-up fertilizer is in the form fertilizer which is given 2-3 times throughout the development period.
Fertilization must pay attention to the 5T factors, namely the right place, the right method, the right dose, the right time, and the right type. This is intended so that fertilization is done efficiently and effectively.
Control of pests and pathogens
Controlling pest and pathogen populations is part of the way to protect plants that should not be ignored. Because these two groups of organisms can interfere with plants to cause plants to die
Control can be preventive or curative. Prevention or deterrence is control that is carried out before pests or pathogens strike. On the other hand, curative control is attempted when the plant has been exposed to plant pests (OPT).
The frequency of OPT control is adjusted to the conditions in the planting zone. If no pest attack occurs, control does not need to be attempted. Methods for controlling pests can be technical, mechanical, biological, chemical, or integrated control.
However, chemical control using pesticides should only be attempted if the pest attack is severe. If the attack is still light, you can use technical or mechanical cultural controls.
This treatment method is needed if ornamental plants include shrubs. The purpose of pruning is to form plants, reduce leaves, accelerate fruiting, plant renewal, and so on.
Usually pruning is done by cutting branches or twigs, cutting water shoots, and cutting diseased branches.